We are excited to present our first e-book, How to Query an Agent or Editor, available on the Kindle format from Amazon. We took a portion of our online Matchmaking Your Manuscript class and turned it into a clear, easy-to-follow e-book that takes you step by step through writing your query or cover letter for agents and editors. Few writing projects create as much anxiety as crafting a cover or query letter.  But while the process of submitting a manuscript can feel overwhelming, writing  a query doesn’t have to be. In fact, following a few straightforward guidelines can help you write a letter that dramatically improves your chances of grabbing  the attention of a busy editor or agent.

Our new e-book takes the stress out of writing your query or cover letter!

This savvy guide offers step-by-step instructions that successfully steer writers who are targeting the children’s or young adult book market through the query-writing process. (And the process is the same for those writing for the adult market, as well. It’s just that our examples are drawn from the children’s/young adult publishing  world.) Drawing on the combined experience of two working writers who between them have over 160 published children’s book and 43 years working in the  publishing industry, it offers a paragraph-by-paragraph outline, online  resources, sample letters, and a wealth of real-world experience—all in a  friendly, talking-it-over-with-a-friend approach. It’s the place to turn when you want to transform your writing dreams into writing realities!

Watch our second book trailer (and our original one is below it)!


Visit the book page on Amazon and click on LOOK INSIDE! to check out the table of contents, read the Introduction, and read part of Chapter One.

We hope you love it!